Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Questions

On the second part of our final project, we were asked to describe the questions that we would be presenting to the lawyer that we would be interviewing, and why these questions are important to us, and the individual field of study that we are in.

Intellectual property laws came under intense scrutiny with the popularization of the internet at the end of the 20th century. The ability to transform documents, movies, MUSIC, and other expressions into digital copies suddenly made near-perfect copying possible for everyone.” (Patent, Copyright, and Trademark. Page 7)

Here is a list of some of the questions that I presented to Keith at the interview I did with him on Friday.

-       Lets say I Trademark my Producing / DJ name. After it has been accepted through USPTO, and I find someone else or some other company that has been using my logo and name to steal my fans and make a profit for something that they did, how can I go about policing a trademark infringement?

-       After I police this trademark infringement, how are the damages calculated.

-     When I start up my own studio one day, what documents should I sign, and have my employee’s sign, prior to work.

-     When I have a studio and I happen to hire a tracking engineer and if I per chance hear that he/she has been recording bands on the side in my studio for personal profit, using my equipment, what kind of recourse do I get, and do I have any grounds for legal action since it was my equipment and property?

-     If one day I want to sell my studio, yet I want to retain my employment there , the loyalty of the bands I work with, and exclusive rights to working with said bands, yet the company I sell my studio to fires me and breaks the agreement we had upon sale, what action can I take?

If you are concerned with a creation of your own, you’ll first need to know what form (or forms) of intellectual property applies to it.”(Patent, Copyright, and Trademark. Page 8)

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