Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 8: Progress on Final Project

In week 8, we were asked to do a BOC (Beginning of Class), and the goal of this BOC is to describe to the professor what we have done so far, for our final project, which includes getting ahold of a professional lawyer and doing a small interview with him or her.

The progress I have includes: I have found the lawyer I will be interviewing, his name is Glen Stevens, he is a lawyer that works with Nevada Health care, and was referred to me by my mother, who also works in the legal department at that company.

Now, I am in the process of setting up all the questions I will be interviewing him with, that has somewhat to do with my field of work (Audio Production). I also plan on scheduling an interview with Glen sometime next week, or at the very latest the following week.

We were also asked how we are doing with the process of having our Blogs, twitter, and reading updated. So far, I am completely up to date with my Blogs and reading, I have a few twitter updates to make, but nothing that would be to overwhelming, since I’v managed to stay up to date for the majority of the quarter.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 7: Lawyers

In week 7 of contract and negotiations, we were asked to put together of ten names and numbers of lawyers for our final project.

1) Crystal Eller – (702) 997-8770

2) Martin Hart – (702) 997-8231

3) Roger Croteau – (702) 605-1758

4) Romeo Perez – (702) 997-8572

5) Jan Paul – (702) 900-0052

6) Leslie Park – (702) 605-1888

7) Thomas Michaelides – (877) 804-3707

8) David Chesnoff – (702) 577-3997

9) Luis Rojas – (702) 637-2410

10) Nathan Gibbs – (866) 972-1168

Week 6: The Black market

In week 6, we watched a documentary on the world of illicit trade and the black market. We were then asked to give a description of what we saw and how we felt on the subject matter.

My thoughts on this are all over the place. It is quite astonishing how this market can generate 5 trillion dollars in revenue every year. From everything between the counterfeit of Prada merchandise and money, to the trade of people, weapons, illegal drugs and even pharmaceutical drugs.

This trade has its ups and downs. The ups, for one, it creates millions of jobs for people, like in China. It is rumored that 25 million people are employed in the recreation process of fashion merchandise. However, the downs of this market are when it comes into the trade and transport of dangerous material, like drugs and weapons. Everyone knows that the trade of drugs and weapons are especially bad, but how about the trade of these “knock-of” pharmaceutical drugs? People are buying cheaper pharmaceutical drugs online because of the save of embarrassment or price, only later to become serious ill or even die. It was said in the documentary that some of these drugs contain extremely piousness substances like led from the paint that they use to get the color of the drug right and in some cases even rat poison.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week 3 - Questions

In week 3, we were asked to make questions to support our jeopardy game that we would be playing in the upcoming week. Here are a few of mine.

1) This term is generally described when the USPTO awards a patent to the applicant.
            - What is Allowance?
2) This term describes anyone who makes a creative contribution to the invention.
            - What is a Co-Inventor?
3) This is a phrase for patents on inventions that are combinations of prior existing inventions or technology.
            - What is a Combination Patent?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 4 - Jeopardy game

In week 3, we were asked to make a “jeopardy game”, where we were each individually tasked with making the answers and questions with terms and definitions in the first part of our patent and copy law book. The goal of this exercise was to help educate us with the massive amounts of information covered in this book.

I personally believe this exercise was a great way to help learn these terms. There are about 160 pages of pure definitions and trying to memorize each one by the midterm would be nearly impossible. So by doing this game, each person picked about 25 terms/definitions, then in week 4 we were asked to submit the assignment, so we could play it in class, and further our knowledge on these terms even more.

We split into teams of 5, where we worked together in a competitive struggle for points. This game intertwines competition, fun, and learning all into one exciting process, which I’m sure I will be using for future classes to privately study.